vobec sa im to neoplatí, od začiatku. Ale Putin na to takto nepozerá, on si ide iba svoju "svatu vojnu za uzemia ktore by podla neho mali patrit Rusku" ostatne ho nezaujima. Cena za toto cele "dobrodruzstvo" bude pre Rusko obrovská.
Vojna na Ukrajine
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Zaujimave video ohladom toho posledneho utoku.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Na to sa velmi tazko odpoveda co sa oplati a neoplati. Za prve, netusime ake su ukrajinske straty a co sa vlastne Rusom dari nicit. Za druhe, nema zmysel iba porovnavat nominalnu hodnotu tej techniky. Napr. tu na tom videu Ukrajinci vystrielali do vzduchu niekolko desiatok milionov eur, co nebude az tak daleko od ceny za tie ruske rakety. Ale aj kebyze su straty v dolaroch pre Ukrajinu vyssie, otazka je ktora strana tie straty lahsie absorbuje. Napr. aj kebyze Rusi znicia celu bateriu Patriotov (co je niekolko kusov techniky, dokopy za miliardu eur), do mesiaca dostanu Ukrajinci zo Zapadu novu. Na druhu stranu Rusi tych rakiet az tolko vyrobit nedokazu. Uplne dalsia otazka je potom, ako sa tie straty tu prejavia bezprostredne ba bojisku, napr. pri ukrajinskej ofenzive.
K videam: Neboj, ruski agenti tu nase mudrovanie na hojku zrejme nemonitoruju a mozeme tu videa pokojne sirit.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
On to vnima uplne z ineho uhla, jemu su tie uzemia ukradnute, on sa boji o seba, nie o Donbas, proste tam zije ruska mensina, ako ine mensiny v inych statoch sveta a je to pre jeho rezim hrozba v pripade zaclenenia tychto rusov do inych struktur ako tych jeho, taka ista hrozba mu hrozi v Bielorusku, preto sa snazi potlacit co sa da, co sa neda skusa vojensky. Do toho mu padne vhod odrezanie sa od vplyvu EU/US a spolupraca s podobnou ideologiou z Ciny.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Ukrajinci sestřelili extrémně vzácný dron. Jedná se o ruský dron Orion - Techsvět
https://techsvet.cz/nejnovejsi-zpravy/u ... d=20901797
https://techsvet.cz/nejnovejsi-zpravy/u ... d=20901797
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
o tie uzemia jednoznacne ide. Z geostrategickeho a vojenskeho hladiska vobec nie je jedno, kto ovlada Donbas alebo Krym, to su pre Rusko velmi dlezite oblasti. Preto aj Rusko malo odjakziva tendenciu rozsirovat sovje uzemie smerom na zapad.retkvic napísal: ↑16 máj 2023, 12:56 On to vnima uplne z ineho uhla, jemu su tie uzemia ukradnute, on sa boji o seba, nie o Donbas, proste tam zije ruska mensina, ako ine mensiny v inych statoch sveta a je to pre jeho rezim hrozba v pripade zaclenenia tychto rusov do inych struktur ako tych jeho, taka ista hrozba mu hrozi v Bielorusku, preto sa snazi potlacit co sa da, co sa neda skusa vojensky. Do toho mu padne vhod odrezanie sa od vplyvu EU/US a spolupraca s podobnou ideologiou z Ciny.
Autoeditácia príspevku po 3 min 57 sek:
Nábor nespokojnych Rusov na pracu pre CIA
Почему я пошел на контакт с ЦРУ: мое решение - YouTube
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Urcite nie z pohladu co za to ziskaju. V oblastiach s ruskym obyvatelstvom potrebuju udrziavat rovnaky mindset vymyvania mozgov.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Napriklad Tomas Forro pisal o tom, ako do Ruska jazdia vlaky plne donbasskeho antracitu, de facto ukradnuteho povstalcamiu. Dalej su tam loziska ortuti no a Azovstal boli obrovske zeleziarne. O spracovani zdrojov ani nehovoriac... Preto tam tie mesta zakladali zapadni podnikatelia, ako sa to pise v blogu, ktory zdielal na zaciatku vojny beardie. Napriklad aj preto sa predmestie Donecka, ktore ale kontroluju Ukrajinci vola Nju Jork.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
áno, uzemie ktore Rusko na Vychode UA zabralo je velmi bohate na nerastne suroviny, nielen uhlie. Plus su tam dolezite závody.
áno, uzemie ktore Rusko na Vychode UA zabralo je velmi bohate na nerastne suroviny, nielen uhlie. Plus su tam dolezite závody.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Ktore zakladali britski priemyselnici?
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Lukašenko v televizi komentoval aktuální dění. Chce asi vyvrátit spekulace o chatrném zdraví - Novinky
https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/zahranicn ... -internetu
https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/zahranicn ... -internetu
- starysomar
- Hardcore addict
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- Registrovaný: 01 máj 2011, 20:26
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Rusko: „Zničili jsme amerického Patriota za miliardu dolarů.“ USA: „Byl pravděpodobně zasažen“ - Echo24.cz
https://echo24.cz/a/HwhbB/zpravy-svet-r ... d=20914481
Rusko: „Zničili jsme amerického Patriota za miliardu dolarů.“ USA: „Byl pravděpodobně zasažen“ - Echo24.cz
https://echo24.cz/a/HwhbB/zpravy-svet-r ... d=20914481
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Zelensky na svojom FB ucte prave teraz
Ja tomu rozumiem tak, ze stratu Patriotu nepriznava, ked zacina 18 z 18.First of all, I want to thank all the defenders of our skies. Thank you, heroes! Eighteen of the eighteen missiles were shot down.
That's why we are constantly working on visits that will bring more opportunities, more Patriot, IRIS-T, Crotale, Hawk, NASAMS systems. Again and again, I thank all our partners in the world who have helped our country with the appropriate air defense systems!
We also have to remember how much effort it takes to get such weapons for Ukraine. How much time, energy, arguments, meetings and information work allowed us to build such an air defense system. This is a tremendous job... And I thank each and every one who is involved! At all levels! Day after day, month after month, our team has been working to ensure that we have protection of the sky. We used to hear that Patriots were supposedly unrealistic... And now here they are, Patriots.
And that’s not all we will provide for Ukraine! Together with Ukraine's partners, we will make the defense against terror as strong as possible.
Glory to each of our warriors! Glory to everyone who helps!
Glory to Ukraine!
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Zeby ho zasiahol dron?
Nova informacia je, ze bol poskodeny, no nie zniceny a bude zalezat od rozsahu poskodenia ci ho budu moct opravit aj priamo na mieste.
https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-new ... b1ae05b8ce
Nova informacia je, ze bol poskodeny, no nie zniceny a bude zalezat od rozsahu poskodenia ci ho budu moct opravit aj priamo na mieste.
US assessing potential damage of Patriot missile defense system following Russian attack near Kyiv
From CNN's Natasha Bertrand
A US-made Patriot system was likely damaged, but not destroyed, as the result of a Russian missile barrage in and around Kyiv early Tuesday morning local time, a United States official tells CNN.
The US is still assessing the extent of the damage, the official said. That will determine whether the system needs to be pulled back entirely or simply repaired on the spot by the Ukrainians.
Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday in a post on Telegram that “a high-precision strike by the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system in the city of Kyiv hit a US-made Patriot anti-aircraft missile system.”
Ukrainian officials said on Tuesday that they successfully intercepted all six hypersonic missiles fired by the Russians, but the Ukrainian military declined to comment on the Russians’ claim that a Patriot system was hit.
“We cannot comment on this. We'll stay out of commenting on Russian sources,” Ukrainian air force spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat said.
Ukraine currently has two Patriot air defense systems in the country, one donated by the US and the other donated jointly by Germany and the Netherlands. It is unclear which of those systems was potentially damaged.
Some context: Russia has targeted the systems with hypersonic missiles before, US officials told CNN last week, including once on May 4. That attack failed, and Ukrainians successfully intercepted the missile before it could hit the Patriot, the officials said.
But US officials believe the Russians have been able to pick up on signals that are emitted from the Patriot, allowing them to target the system using the hypersonic missile, known as the Kinzhal or Killjoy.
More background: The Patriot missile system has a powerful radar to detect incoming targets at long-range, making it a potent air defense platform capable of intercepting ballistic missiles and more.
But the radar emission necessary to spot threats at a distance also makes it possible for the enemy to detect the Patriot battery and figure out its location. And unlike some shorter-range air defenses provided to Ukraine that are mobile and harder to target, the large Patriot battery is a larger and more stationary system, making it possible for the Russians to zero in on the location over time.
From CNN's Natasha Bertrand
A US-made Patriot system was likely damaged, but not destroyed, as the result of a Russian missile barrage in and around Kyiv early Tuesday morning local time, a United States official tells CNN.
The US is still assessing the extent of the damage, the official said. That will determine whether the system needs to be pulled back entirely or simply repaired on the spot by the Ukrainians.
Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday in a post on Telegram that “a high-precision strike by the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system in the city of Kyiv hit a US-made Patriot anti-aircraft missile system.”
Ukrainian officials said on Tuesday that they successfully intercepted all six hypersonic missiles fired by the Russians, but the Ukrainian military declined to comment on the Russians’ claim that a Patriot system was hit.
“We cannot comment on this. We'll stay out of commenting on Russian sources,” Ukrainian air force spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat said.
Ukraine currently has two Patriot air defense systems in the country, one donated by the US and the other donated jointly by Germany and the Netherlands. It is unclear which of those systems was potentially damaged.
Some context: Russia has targeted the systems with hypersonic missiles before, US officials told CNN last week, including once on May 4. That attack failed, and Ukrainians successfully intercepted the missile before it could hit the Patriot, the officials said.
But US officials believe the Russians have been able to pick up on signals that are emitted from the Patriot, allowing them to target the system using the hypersonic missile, known as the Kinzhal or Killjoy.
More background: The Patriot missile system has a powerful radar to detect incoming targets at long-range, making it a potent air defense platform capable of intercepting ballistic missiles and more.
But the radar emission necessary to spot threats at a distance also makes it possible for the enemy to detect the Patriot battery and figure out its location. And unlike some shorter-range air defenses provided to Ukraine that are mobile and harder to target, the large Patriot battery is a larger and more stationary system, making it possible for the Russians to zero in on the location over time.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Cely system Patriot sa naraz len tak znicit v podstate ani neda: Je to z dovodu, ze sa sklada z 5 až 8 odpalovacich vozidiel, 1-2 radarov, generatory elektriny, velitelske vozidlo. A tieto všetky prvky su naviac od seba navzajom značne vzdialené.
Zeby bol Patriot poskodeny dronom je dost mozne, lebo system prioritne nie je nastavany na obranu proti nim a pri tak mohutnom utoku mohol obranou preklznut.
Zeby bol Patriot poskodeny dronom je dost mozne, lebo system prioritne nie je nastavany na obranu proti nim a pri tak mohutnom utoku mohol obranou preklznut.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Ked som si to tu vcera cital, vratane toho kolko stal vcerajsi "budicek" pre Kyjivcanov ruskych danovych poplatnikov, napadlo mi, kolko asi stoji poskodena cast a ci sa im aspon to oplatilo. Pocital som s tym, ze to budu minimalne 3 kusy techniky, takze znicenie ako take, ako pise gogo je dost zlozite. Dakujem za upresnenie, ze je toho ovela viac a zatial nikto nevydal stanovisko co z toho je poskodene.
Re: Vojna na Ukrajine
Tých odpaľovacích vozidiel Ukrajinci asi nemajú toľko aby postavili komplet batériu, od Holanďanov napr dostali len dve. Reportéri AP vraj našli v zoo obďaleč nejaké úlomky s nápisom Lockheed Martin, čiže to napokon môže byť aj závažnejšie poškodenie ako priznávajú Američania, ak z toho na diaľku lietali úlomky.